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Matrix-Vector Multiplication

This function allows you to compute matrix-vector multiplication.

An example of how to use the operation is provided below.

from csdl_om import Simulatorfrom csdl import Modelimport csdlimport numpy as npfrom scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

class ExampleMatVecProduct(Model):
    def define(self):        m = 3        n = 4
        # Shape of the first matrix (3,2)        shape1 = (m, n)
        # Shape of the second matrix (2,4)        shape2 = (n, )
        # Creating the values of both matrices        val1 = np.arange(m * n).reshape(shape1)        val2 = np.arange(n).reshape(shape2)
        # Declaring the input matrix and input vector        mat1 = self.declare_variable('mat1', val=val1)        vec1 = self.declare_variable('vec1', val=val2)
        # Creating the output for matrix-vector multiplication        self.register_output('MatVec', csdl.matvec(mat1, vec1))
        sp = csc_matrix(mat1.val)        self.register_output('SparseMatVec', csdl.matvec(sp, vec1))

sim = Simulator(ExampleMatVecProduct())
print('mat1', sim['mat1'].shape)print(sim['mat1'])print('vec1', sim['vec1'].shape)print(sim['vec1'])print('MatVec', sim['MatVec'].shape)print(sim['MatVec'])print('SparseMatVec', sim['SparseMatVec'].shape)print(sim['SparseMatVec'])
[[ 0.  1.  2.  3.] [ 4.  5.  6.  7.] [ 8.  9. 10. 11.]]vec1 (4,)[0. 1. 2. 3.]MatVec (3,)[14. 38. 62.]SparseMatVec (3,)[14. 38. 62.]